Mythos & Marginalia

life notes; flaws and all

j.g. lewis

original content and images ©j.g. lewis

a daily breath...

A thought du jour, my daily breath includes collected and conceived observations, questions of life, fortune cookie philosophies, reminders, messages of peace and simplicity, unsolicited advice, inspirations, quotes and words that got me thinking. They may get you thinking too . . .

I'm like a pencil;
sometimes sharp,
most days
other times
dull or
Still I write.

j.g. lewis
is a writer/photographer in Toronto.

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More Lost Than Found
Posted on February 18, 2015 by j.g.lewis // 1 Comment




Lifeless mitten lays in wait. Abandoned, stiff
atop a crunchy snow bank. The sidewalk
passes by, unknowing. Throbbing red fingers,
a child’s frostbitten hand, shiver beneath a
coat sleeve. Somewhere. Seeking warmth,
comfort against winter’s harsh reality.

Unclaimed. A mitten separated from its
purpose. We all, young and older, leave
pieces of ourselves scattered throughout time.
Paperbacks, pens, sunglasses, yoga mats,
carelessly or accidentally discarded.
A laundromat sock with no mate.

Possessions or promises, more lost
than found. Feelings, emotions cast
astray. Hopelessly lost. A lone mitten,
pieces of ourselves. Where do we
go when a bit of us is missing, when
our purpose is unrealized?

Where then, when we seek warmth.
are we? Waiting to be reunited with
missing parts? Another hand to hold?
Another day. Our fingers still numb, the
lone mitten still there. The sidewalk
passes by. We remain incomplete.

Posted on February 17, 2015 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment

Laughter  does not require  a meaning

Posted on February 16, 2015 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment


are just young


There are about 52 Mondays in any given year, but Monday is unlike any other day. Each week begins with a Monday, and it’s a great day to start something new.
Beginning February 23, my Monday daily breath will be a little deeper. It won’t be a complete exhale, but neither a gasp nor a cough, Monday’s daily breath will be a little more mindful; a thought to last the entire week and take you into the weekend. Follow me on Twitter @sayit4word for a fresh start to each week, and sign up below to get a full exhale each Wednesday