Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

misplaced memories

What becomes of days past, the ones that remind you of people or places; even those you have long forgotten?
    April now a slight shadow, I can look back and wonder what really happened in the external world as I put aside the time to concentrate solely on my own concerns.       Perhaps it was selfish, or self-absorbed, but there had to be something inside the time within the lines that further defines who, or what, I am.
    It must be more than a guessing game.
    Through the years, it has become far too easy to dwell on reflections of days, weeks or months left behind. Or is it avoidance?
    Internal thought often neglects external stimulation. Often it holds me back.
    May now, June definitely on the horizon, and there will be vistas beyond.
    It is the way it happens and has always been.
    Even those places and people you avoided thinking about, or didn’t admit to considering, remain more than misplaced memories. Everything has an impact.
    I can only step ahead mindful that there was something that influenced my behaviour(s) as I endeavored to move forward. My direction dictates next steps, yet I do so knowing I am stronger because of what was experienced.

© 2024 j.g. lewis

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