Mythos & Marginalia

life notes; flaws and all

j.g. lewis

original content and images ©j.g. lewis

a daily breath...

A thought du jour, my daily breath includes collected and conceived observations, questions of life, fortune cookie philosophies, reminders, messages of peace and simplicity, unsolicited advice, inspirations, quotes and words that got me thinking. They may get you thinking too . . .

Mondays are just young Fridays

Qualifying questions, remedial response.

Knowledge of situations often haunt.

What we know or have been told.

We tell ourselves we just don’t know.

Answers formed by thoughts untold.

Rumour and misinformation often sold.

Conspiracy theories tend to rule the day.

Bare truth and logic will get in the way.

04/22/2024                                                                                                            j.g.l.

pocket poem 2024

                 Current Thoughts

           Open your mouth, let words
   bypass lips. Converse consciously
   to brethren or bystanders.
       Reach out to
   close friends gone amiss.
       Be not afraid, not now, of
   articulating current thoughts and
   accomplishments of which
   you are proud, and even your sins
   (for we have all owned a few)
        might seem far less tragic
         from an altered point of view.
               Give fresh voice
   to insecurities and anxieties hidden
   within your self, speak highly of
      those dusty dreams
            languishing on a shelf.
   Past sullen moments cast a
   lengthy shadow, short-term
   expectations tend to dull down
   long-term possibilities.
      Talk freely around all you want,
   or hope, or desire to be.
      Each intention will resonate
      with those who wholly believe.
   Understanding takes effort.

© 2024 j.g. lewis

April 18th is Poem in Your Pocket Day
a day to celebrate poetry by selecting a poem,
carrying it in your pocket, and sharing with the
friends and strangers who cross your path.
Share a poem wherever the day takes you, as you
would share a smile, a gesture, or your kindness.
Sharing is caring.

April is Poetry Month
take a poem to lunch

cloud songs

        Our paths shift, circumstance and
              attitude shaping our trajectory.
   The company we keep alters both
       our outlook and destination.
           We are where we are
        mainly because of who we are 
                          and whom we are with.


04/16/2024                                                                              j.g.l.

the form of a poem

Have you written your saddest story,
or are you living it now?
Do you keep track of days in a diary?
Does the ink run like rain, entries full
of temptation or pain that upsets the
balance of this so-called life?
When you reread the words, can you
recall emotions that cut like a knife
through the bullshit and bafflegab
you have continually endured.
Does it still hurt?
Does it settle on the page in the
form of a poem, will it forever remain
a secret never to be known to those
who inspired feelings you simply
cannot forget?
Can you wear the scars with pride,
or will you always regret?

04/21/2024                                                                                                     j.g.l.

April is Poetry Month
it is all about emotion


Who will write the eulogies
for those taken far too early? Too
young, unsuspecting, trusting
it was just another day.
Cheeks flush with joyous youth
never again revealed. At seventeen
you never know what lays ahead;
still once they had a chance.

How will we write the eulogies
for those now reported dead?
Where will we find the words
lost in prayer, ignored in protest,
or excuses plentiful as guns;
empty as a classroom desk.
We know, only, we never know
when we will last inhale.

Who will write the eulogies
for those left behind. Will they
remember the despair of that day,
or will it be forgotten as we deal
with yet another tragedy, another
unscripted war on a world long ago
stripped of its innocence, grasping
now to any shred of benevolence.

© 2018 j.g. lewis

I'm like a pencil;
sometimes sharp,
most days
other times
dull or
Still I write.

j.g. lewis
is a writer/photographer in Toronto.

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As New Moon Can

Posted on July 26, 2017 Leave a comment

         The night
accepts the silence,
     the soft, steady breath
         of lovers
        and dogs.

        New Moon
shows as no moon can.
      High resolution
     darkness softening
          hard edges
        and difficult lives,

         Here we are,
part of the silence,
      immune to
     time and temperature,
         and words
      once spoken.
©2017 j.g. lewis

Between Here And This

Posted on July 19, 2017 Leave a comment

Walls surround me; people tell me, even ask me
where I’ve been. I can’t find the answers, or
the reason from within. If home is the place
where you lay your head, I’ve got no room left
for what goes on when the walls are closing in.

No longer seeking safety or salvation, but simply
common ground. There were never second chances the
first time around. It’s been years since I have come home,
though I’m not without my blame, I’m not without
my judgment and not without my shame.

No reminders. No residue.
No solutions, nor the pain.

More a feeling than a destination, home is not
about geography. Even less the physical location.
The whisper of home gets hard to understand,
even mundane decisions become more difficult
when you take life in your own hands.

Driving forward, moving slowly, the place between
here and this. Listen to music you chose, the next
track on the disc. Melancholy melody, even lyrically
it stokes a chord. We all remember taking chances,
but too often forget about the risk.

Nothing there, nothing lost.
Nothing left. Nothing gained

Of course I’m still dreaming of home, it helps me
pass the time. Past mistakes and memories,
I own them; they are all mine. My mind often loaded
with gentle thoughts of you, yet it still provides
no direction of where I’m going to.

©2017 j.g. lewis

The Letters Remain The Same

Posted on July 12, 2017 Leave a comment

No matter how quickly our technologies evolve, or how fast our processors process, we still rely on ancient methods to make our way through each day.

Just yesterday I wrote in my journal, printed out a card to a loved one, and tapped a text message to my daughter. I started a letter to a friend, composed a forceful email to a pharmaceutical company, and contributed to ongoing dialogue with a curious collection of sensitive souls.

I scribbled out a couple of lines to a poem, added onto the grocery list, jotted down an upcoming appointment in my agenda, and recorded a client concern warranting further investigation.

I wrote with a pencil in a notebook and used a pen on a preprinted form. I also employed a laptop, then a desktop computer, and made use of a few apps on my mobile device.

Through it all, my daily communication — regardless of the format, font or function — was done using the same standard 26 letters and 10 digits that have been used for centuries, along with a handful of punctuation marks for proper order.

In a society that wants to do everything differently than we have on the past, we are stuck on such a simple practice. My country is bilingual; both languages (English and French) use the same characters.

In my life as a writer I have used all the traditional hand-held writing instruments from crayon to fountain pen, and mechanical devices including typewriter, mainframe computer, tablets and my phone.

But the alphabet has not changed in my lifetime, nor that of my father’s, or my father’s father.

The alphabet is old, its roots dating back to 2700 BC. Since the early days of hieroglyphics, we have used similar symbols to show love and anger, and to emphasize sadness or fear. Our wants, our struggles, and our fantasies are illustrated as they always have been.

The letters remain the same. A combination of curves and lines, an R is always an r, the S is the same, again and again, like an A is an a: upper case or lower. We have barely even altered how the letters are used. Today’s Apple keyboards are essentially laid out the same as the keys on yesteryear’s Underwood.

Even the meanings of words can change, but not how they are produced. Words keep the world moving, and learning; they maintain order or spell out anarchy. And we understand. At the turn of the millennium, the printing press was named the greatest invention of all time because of its ability to help spread the written word.

We use the written word more than we ever have. Yes, the format has changed (again) but it is still both our primary form of communication and the essential instrument in recording history.

Years ago, just as this whole digital thing was really catching on, as personal computer sales began to dramatically increase, there was talk about a paperless society. Oh how wrong they were. Newspaper and magazine sales (and production) have declined, but we still shuffle an awful lot of paper at the office.

While we don’t mail letters like we used to, yet our email inboxes continue to fill up.

It’s only words.

We can boast about how society has changed or evolved (even improved), but the foundation of communication are the letters that grew from symbols once scratched out on the walls of caves.

How simple; how profound; how enduring.

©2017 j.g. lewis


Through The Days

Posted on July 5, 2017 Leave a comment

The flowers now bloom, even
on the graves. The severity of
the winter has passed.
Everything has blossomed again.
The birds sing, even in darkness,
because they can,
even on nights when
we cannot sleep.

A love of mine now destroyed,
even amid the beauty
of where we are, and
how we live, there is a sadness.
The birds sing, even as
the stars cry, everything seems right.
A summer’s night
and the flowers bloom.

Life is played, through the days. When
talking of the past, how far
do you want to go? Every detail,
every place, or struggle.
Things you one time wanted
to know. I think you should go.
The flowers still bloom. How often
do you think of that day?

How relevant is whatever it is,
to what is you? Now and
present. Just as we are comprised
of flesh and bone, and psyche,
the flowers still bloom. We water them
because everything has life,
but how do we care
for ourselves?

The birds sing, early, to remind of
another day. Our life, from the ground
up, is built on meaning,
moments, and relationships with
people and places. See what
is beautiful, remember what
is beautiful.
The flowers bloom.

©2013 j.g. lewis


Not Always So

Posted on June 28, 2017 Leave a comment

Unrestrained now,
not always so. No longer
a tangle of censored actions, insecurities,
or efforts to blend into mindless,
matter-of-course, societal ways.
Today, resurrected
to unexpected wiles, barely the
shadow of a once-cautious child.

An impervious spirit,
no longer pacified by attention
from just anyone. Once mistaking paltry
pick-up lines for poetry, sucking in the
seduction of each stanza, forever
confusing choice with
chance. Always learning the
difference the hard way.

Now bypassing innocuous
thought, ideals embraced
only by the tame. Tried that before. Never
again. Wild heart now, not always so,
no longer does it pulse for the pleasure of
someone else. Security comes
from knowing blood rushes only
for favour of the self.

©2017 j.g. lewis

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