Mythos & Marginalia

life notes; flaws and all

j.g. lewis

original content and images ©j.g. lewis

a daily breath...

A thought du jour, my daily breath includes collected and conceived observations, questions of life, fortune cookie philosophies, reminders, messages of peace and simplicity, unsolicited advice, inspirations, quotes and words that got me thinking. They may get you thinking too . . .

I'm like a pencil;
sometimes sharp,
most days
other times
dull or
Still I write.

j.g. lewis
is a writer/photographer in Toronto.

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logical and chronological


Like Your Mind
Posted on February 28, 2017 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment

Yoga mat restless
on the floor,
free weights you
don’t use no more,
elliptical trainer or
stationary bike, once
they were loved,
but now disliked.
They sit
and silently wait to
be moved, but you
found other
things to do.
Contraptions and
collecting dust, or
those fancy tools
all full of rust,
all of which
require some time,
in many ways
it is like your mind.
All will go stagnant
if they just sit,
it only works
if you use it.

Mondays are just young Fridays
Posted on February 27, 2017 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment

It’s all too easy
to slurp back your coffee,
wolf down left-over food
that is handy, and begin the day
in a hurried way.
It is so convenient
to accept what is offered,
take whatever is available, or
check off the tiny box agreeing
to certain terms or conditions,
before even reading or trying
to understand what you must.
Too quickly we
push on the gas to get wherever
we need to be, so we can do
whatever we have to, never
fully recognizing, or appreciating
whatever it is.
Too often we
give in to our emotions, instead
of thinking about what matters
fully and completely.
we let things go when we know
we shouldn’t, but it is easier to
toss things away only because
it takes less time.
There are moments
when words come out too fast,
when our thoughts cannot
keep up with our tongues,
and what was said
shouldn’t have been.
Try not to rush
your way through today. Take
an extra moment, if you can,
to lookout the window
for no other reason that to see
what is there.
Don’t push
your way through a project, or
posture, or past a friend
who only wants to be that.
Count to three
before responding negatively.
It’s not always possible,
I know, there are deadlines
and commitments and
appointments and random stuff.
Enough is enough. Try not
to take on too much. Try
not to hurry,
try not to rush.

Posted on February 25, 2017 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment


We All Sleep, And We All Dream

We’ve been dreaming as long
as we’ve been living. Restful
or restless, the visions, images,
thoughts and ideas that come
at night play a major role in how
we function in our waking hours.
Dreams are a part of living, and
for many of us a reason to live.

Mythos & Marginalia will take
a closer look at sleeping and
dreaming throughout March,
but would like more than one
person’s perspective. I’d like
to open up a discussion on
sleep, dreams, and the space
in between.
If you have sleep tips, dream
analysis, personal antidotes,
thoughts on how to deal with
insomnia, or dream-inspired
poetry (oh yes, poetry), please
send it to
The nights will soon become
shorter, let’s take advantage of
this time to increase, and share,
our knowledge of the night.

Include your Twitter handle to
help keep the discussion moving.