Some words arrive too quickly, and you struggle to keep up, to write them down. Or remember; thoughts you can’t hold back, these thoughts you cannot take away. Not all pencils need erasers. Not all mistakes can be erased. Still we write, and still we try to express, to love, to believe and communicate.
Our belief system is as much a foundation, as it is façade. How you act, how you react, how you interact with all that surrounds you, is primarily influenced by what you believe. Beliefs can prop you up, or you can choose to hide behind them. Beliefs can change and, when they do, you will feel the shift. Outwardly you may appear stronger, but the foundation can weaken. Change happens beyond appearances.
We count days like shadows now behind us. Dark and cold. January gone, February now, it seems to happen on its own. Everything. All or nothing gained or learned, or lost. What do you remember? If you don’t want to talk about it somebody will. They always do.
Speaking less than we listen, talking only to fill silence, we misinterpret misunderstandings. Never saying what we mean, meaning less and less and less until we no longer understand. Nor do we try.