Never underestimate the power of a six-buck bouquet, a shared newspaper or gift of a pencil. Simplicity. Given, without expectation. Demand comes to all-too-easy in days that move with unintended velocity and mixed emotions. To put a price on kindness is to devalue a gesture or sentiment. Everything comes with a cost, perhaps even at a cost. You should not ponder it’s worth, or yours. Words, at times, are not easy. Acceptance can be difficult.
Remember to say thank you, as you give or are given. Gifts do not need to be boastful. Gratitude need not be uncomfortable, it should, however, be memorable. We often forget kind words, flowers after they have wilted. Tossed away. Small blessings are not short lived, there to remind us more of who we are, Not what we have. To receive is to give. Acceptance is realization of truth, or trust. Or thought. Remain thankful.
© 2020 j.g. lewis
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