Even if no one is listening, or there is nobody who will, your thoughts need to be more than silent and still. Those words stuck in your throat, or sentences jammed inside a faulty pen, need to be released. Captured in time’s motionless space, sorrowful admissions and moments of disgrace, have to be liberated for the sake of the self. The ink, like blood, has to flow, even when it seems there is nowhere to go. Scratch your thoughts into the darkness, or whisper softly to this night’s humidity. To do so, without consideration or compensation in any form, is not an act of cowardice, but one instead of courage. Words are not words, until they have been placed, and left unspoken will only contribute to a confusion which will not be erased. Find strength to say what remains unsaid, and let it speak to your true and authentic soul, even if nobody is listening, or there is no one who will. j.g.l.
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