Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Like A Sexual Sadist

Doug Ford is one sick man, suggesting in a media conference Tuesday that he would stalk and sexually assault the CEO of Pfizer as a means of trying to increase the amount of COVID-19 vaccine for his province.
   “I’d be up that guy’s ying-yang so far with a firecracker he wouldn’t know what hit him,” Ford said.
   In off-the-cuff comments, after reading from a prepared speech, the Ontario premier sounded like a sexual sadist. Ford frequently makes mind-numbing statements, often packed with war metaphors and boastful language, but his brutal comments Tuesday went past the usual bullying tactics and tough guy posturing.
   This sadistic comment flew off his tongue so quickly that you have to wonder about the premier’s mental condition. Ford, as if not even thinking, was talking about harming another human being.
   The violent undercurrent of Ford’s message was sexual assault with an object.
   Was he thinking as a man or a politician?
   Yesterday’s comments also exposed the hypocrisy that exists in this man’s demented world. Not long ago, he was whining about people protesting outside of his home, yet he said that it was a tactic he’d employ to try get results.
   “I’d be outside that guy’s house, every time he’d move I’d be saying ‘where’s our vaccine’.”
   Thankfully, we know this premier rarely does what he says he will do. Ford, you remember, pledged to stop the COVID-19 deaths in this province’s crowded long-term care facilities during the first wave of the virus last spring. (“Never again”, he said, over and over).
   It is still happening. People are dying at a disproportionate rate in this province’s LTC homes.
   So when Premier Ford mentions harming another person, he is not even thinking about those he has already harmed.
   Imbalanced as the man is, or has become, it is time for Ford to take medical leave and seek professional help. Or resign.

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