I sat by a lake last night and
I listened.
I watched the sun dip below
the horizon, and I listened
a little longer.
I listened to the lake lapping
lightly against the shore,
and I could hear a chorus of
crickets, but there was not a
whisper of a breeze through
the many, many trees.
It wasn’t silence, but it was
not the city sounds I have
become so accustomed to.
I was so peaceful.
The city is hours away.
For a while I sat and thought
of nothing in particular, the
natural sounds not even
registering, but they were there.
I felt it. What a wonderful way
to end the day.
I believe tonight will end
much the same way.
Some Mondays are even
better than I say. Enjoy your day,
and tomorrow too.
08/16/2021 j.g.l.
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