Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Find Peace

       “They won’t give peace a chance
         That was just a dream some of us had.”
                                                                               -Joni Mitchell

Today is the International Day of Peace. As declared by the United Nations General Assembly, September 21st is devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace and non-violence.

But what does this day mean when you can only look around and wonder?

What does it mean when the headlines tell the story of one conflict or another (nationally or internationally) and the first radio news of the day reports another local murder or mass shooting far away.

Peace, in so many ways, seems too ideological (if not impossible).

Peace still seems like a dream.

Peace feels intangible.

Peace is slow.

Peace is manifested person by person, one action at a time. Each incremental attempt — no matter how minuscule or muted — should strengthen our resolve to create a just, meaningful existence for each of us.

This day means what you want it to mean.

You will find peace if you want to find peace.

I believe peace will only happen if enough of us want it to happen.

I believe it can happen. Call me a dreamer.

I wish you the strength to see this through.

I wish you peace.



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