Our Current State
You can’t fully prepare yourself for what is to come.
It is unknown and uncertain and not knowing is often
where we dwell.
Uncertainty gets us thinking, keeps us curious about
who we are and what will become of the days, weeks,
and years we leave behind.
We do indeed live in the moment(s), yet those that
preceded this time will continue to influence our current
state of mind.
Past tense.
Present tense.
What was is not what is now.
The sooner you are able to grasp all that, the better able you
are to understand how you can you be ready for the future?
It need not be such a definite moment, but it will define you,
whether you will admit it or not.
What you say, what you write, what you experience or what
you remember does have a lasting impression.
© 2022 j.g. lewis