Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

season of peace

Can we make peace with
ourselves, with our neighbours
or those we don’t know, of
another culture or faith, even
those feeling the effects of
this harsh reality where
hatred is spoken freely?

Can we make peace by
simply wishing, wanting, and
waiting for the right time?
Would we even recognize the
time in the midst of all the
horrors we continue to witness
day to day to on this earth?

Will we manifest peace in
our hearts, in this world, in a
merciless attempt to defy odds,
to prove the naysayers wrong;
even if only for the time we
are even allowed to do so?

Can this be a season of peace?
Are there enough of us here who
might do a little more today,
are there enough of us who
really believe in possibilities?
Is this now the time for peace?

12/01/2022                                                                             j.g.l.

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