Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays

It takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for the light of the Sun to reach the Earth 93 million miles away.
   I know it takes about six days for a letter from Canada to arrive in the United Kingdom, but a few days more for correspondence to travel from Winnipeg to Toronto in the same country.
   Four minutes are required for a soft-boiled egg, but 14 minutes are needed for the water to reach a running boil.
   It takes roughly 14 minutes for me to walk to work or 17 minutes by streetcar (with, at least, a six-minute wait). I don’t drive because finding a parking spot downtown can, at times, take forever.
   It can take minutes or months for the answer to any question (depending on the circumstance), but even longer to muster the courage to ask.
   Politicians can make a promise in mere seconds, yet years to take action or hide from the obligation.
   Poems can generally be read in under a minute, but may take the entire day to be fully absorbed.
   A good novel may take a writer a decade to write, but it will be consumed over a weekend.
   Actual time is precise, but situations are variable. The importance of it all is subjective.
   Time equals duration or distance. Is it as relevant now as it was then?
   Time is time.
   How long does it take for my light to find its way to you?

05/29/2023                                                                                                     j.g.l.


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