I am trying to remove myself from any added pressures so I’m trying to move at my own pace. Normally, however, my pace is somewhat greater than it has been.
Consistency, I feel, is important.
I have, normally or naturally, been fairly predicable; even in the most unpredictable ways. I feel I need to be less so, or maybe my concerns need to be less predictable. Especially when those apprehensions are not always my own.
Maybe that is my lesson: your pace need not be predictable, it only needs to be your own.
Lately, I’m feeling like I own too much of the pressure and that it has become an expectation of me to do so.
So, I’m trying to deal with it.
I suppose, in the process, I am trying to lessen all my expectations of (or on) myself.
Expectations lead to apprehension.
07/13/2023 j.g.l.
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