Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays

I keep, in the deep pocket of my packsack, a Swiss Army knife.
   Perhaps the ultimate resource for unexpected situations, the all-purpose pocketknife is regarded as the embodiment of multifunactionality and inventiveness.
   Well-used and familiar, my knife is always available when needed. Over the years it has opened cans of soup, bottles of beer and wine, sliced cheese and sharpened many, many pencils. I’ve adjusted components of my bicycle, and car, and tightened up plenty of loose screws. The flashlight has guided me through a few dark occasions.
   We are all like Swiss Army Knives.
   Folded up inside of us are tools and talents we require to get us through life, get us out of a jam, or cut our way through obstacles and situations we may have never thought we’d find ourselves in.
   Some of our features are not used as often as others, (or as often as they should be) but we need to remember they are there for us when needed.

08/21/2023                                                                                              j.g.l.

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