Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days


I was surprised, again, this morning. 
   As night, again, was fading away I glanced up (as I often do) to get my bearings as I settle into what will soon become daylight. 
   There was Jupiter, again, gazing down at me. 
   The fifth planet from the Sun has been hanging around for a while, noticeable in a way I hadn’t noticed until this year. 
   I have never paid much attention to Juniper before, not even so much concerned with galaxies or stars and constellations. The Moon (in any phase) has always, or often, been my focus. 
   Not that long ago, in an early morning attempt to photograph a recent Full Moon, another light, a celestial delight, captured my attention. It was Jupiter. The planet has been especially visible in the night sky. In fact, this October there will be many planets more apparent than at other times of the year. This is, apparently, a good month for stargazing. 
   Juniper, this morning, reminded me. 
   I have many earthly concerns that have been absorbing me lately, but this planet’s presence this morning reminds me that we cannot always stay focused on what is directly ahead of us.  
   I know I need to expand my vision. Sometimes we all must look up to be surprised. 

10/13/2023                                                                                                           j.g.l. 

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