Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

more than waiting

Silently, or suspiciously standing in one place,
in between unsteady steps I take throughout the day. 
Waiting, even for a moment. Respite for the time being,
perhaps, not even knowing why. Questioning, unquestionably,
each of us continuously striving to keep moving at our own pace,
Caught up in this human race, surviving, maybe thriving as we try to
determine the flow we know is best. We think. 
A little later today, earlier for some, we all have a path; a better way,
leading to better day. Moving in different directions, sometimes hastily,
as required. Some of us are simply limping along.
The weight on our shoulders slows us down. We must, once
in a while, stop and let it settle. Far more than waiting. Unconscious
thinking, our minds move, even if our feet are firmly planted. Progress
not always certain, we can only hope our intentions continue
propelling us further. It has to be more than hope,
yet we still we try to keep it all in stride.

© 2023 j.g. lewis

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