Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays

Items on the to-do list continue to add up. 
   You may scratch off the simple things as you go but are always reminded of something further and the list becomes longer, even more complicated. 
   What doesn’t get done one day will continue to yell out from the page until it is completed.  
   You can only ignore things for so long. Procrastination is pointless. Reminders of what you haven’t done are always there until you take the initiative.
   Effort can provide reward. Once a task or two is completed, you may even find some sort of satisfaction. 
   It is a new week, a new day. 
   It’s time to make things happen. 
   But first coffee… 

01/08/2024                                                                                                       j.g.l.

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